Google’s Algorithm Ban AI Content? How To Make User Friendly Content

  • Apr 25, 2024
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Google's March 2024 core algorithm update is a big change for websites. It targets sites with a lot of AI-generated content. This update shows Google's commitment to maintaining high-quality online information. Google's detailed documentation explains that AI-generated content often doesn't meet the search engine's quality standards. This is because current AI technology tends to produce generic or unoriginal content that lacks depth and relevance. Despite the challenges, there is a way to use AI to create high-quality content that meets Google's standards. By using AI tools wisely in content creation, website owners can blend human creativity with machine-driven insights. This combination allows for creating engaging stories and data-driven analyses that attract users and search engines. In the future, it's important for digital marketers and content creators to strike a balance between human creativity and AI assistance to avoid penalties and provide excellent online experiences.

Why AI cannot meet Google's quality standards.

    Reviews and Helpful Content are judged by strict quality standards. These standards look at accuracy, relevance, coherence, and depth of analysis. AI content finds it hard to meet these standards because it can't grasp human expression and nuances like language, emotions, culture, and critical thinking. The difference between human and AI content is due to AI not being advanced enough to meet the requirements of these ranking systems.

    Adding experience to the E-A-T acronym warns content creators about the risks of using AI. It signals them to be careful when using AI. Including experience in the framework shows an understanding of the complexities of AI-generated content. Examples in search results, quality signals, and rankings often push AI content aside, revealing a bias against it online. These signals highlight the challenges of AI content meeting quality standards and connecting with audiences.

    The message is clear:Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience and drive profitable customer action.

    Google's documentation lists qualities that are important for content to not be purely AI-generated.

    • Experience
    • Published reviews must be hands-on
    • The emphasis is on human authors in Google News SERPs
    • Google Perspectives, introduced in May 2023, focuses on highlighting talented writers discovered in online forums.
    • Author page (expertise questions)
    • Author background information (expertise questions)
    • Author About page (expertise questions)

Concepts Of Quality

Google created Self-Assessment Questions to help publishers check if their content meets Google's quality standards.
These questions focus on general concepts that high-quality websites typically have. If AI-generated content doesn't align with these concepts, it may not meet quality standards, even if publishers try to fake signs of quality like author pages.

  • Authorship And Expertise

    In self-assessment documents, the Expertise section is important for demonstrating knowledge about a specific topic. It showcases a person's unique skills and intelligence, especially in academic work. This section includes references to authors who support a person's knowledge and credibility, showing a deep understanding of important texts and complex ideas. Human-written content is different from machine-generated text because it includes personal insights, context, and creative interpretations. Authors add their own perspectives and experiences to their work, making it authentic and engaging for readers. Machines can process large amounts of data rapidly, but they cannot recreate the depth of human-written content.

  • Content Quality: Originality

    Content quality is important for ensuring that your work is original and not copied from someone else. It is essential to create unique content that stands out and is not a duplicate of existing material. By focusing on originality, you can establish credibility and build a reputation for producing high-quality work.

  • First-Hand Expertise

    Machines can't learn or understand things like humans because they lack human senses. This means they can't interact with products or services like people can. Machines follow set rules and can't adapt like humans. This makes it impossible for machines to have the same expertise or understanding as humans when using products. It's important for experts to consider this when deciding how to use machines in areas requiring human-like judgment or understanding. Recognizing the limits of machines in complex situations helps us distinguish between automated processes and human decision-making in technology.

AI remains a valuable tool for generating content.

During the March 2024 core algorithm update, many websites with AI-generated content were penalized. This event highlights the need to rethink the role of artificial intelligence in creating web content. It is important to understand the risks of relying only on AI for content and to focus more on human-centered content strategies. The manual penalties against AI-generated sites show that current AI systems have limitations in producing high-quality content that meets search engine requirements. To move forward, we should combine human knowledge with AI for content creation. By using human expertise to guide AI, organizations can create a balance between technology and human creativity. This approach emphasizes the importance of creating insightful content rather than focusing solely on automation. By incorporating human insights into AI algorithms, businesses can improve their ability to deliver engaging web content that connects with audiences in today's digital world.

  • Creating Review Content Using AI

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is used to create reviews by analyzing and summarizing information about a topic. AI technologies like natural language processing and machine learning help process data efficiently to find important insights and opinions, which are then turned into clear reviews. This method automates the review writing process, making it faster and able to cover many areas. AI also helps make reviews fair and consistent by reducing human biases. AI systems can give detailed views on products or services based on facts rather than personal opinions. AI-driven reviews can be quickly updated to match current trends, staying relevant and useful. Combining AI with traditional review methods has the potential to change how content is created while remaining thorough and trustworthy.

  • Tips for Creating Various Types of Content Using AI

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing how we write by helping create various types of content more efficiently and accurately. AI algorithms make it easier to produce high-quality content in different styles and formats. Writers can now work with AI systems to create engaging stories, convincing arguments, and informative pieces that connect with readers. Using AI tools for writing not only speeds up the process but also boosts creativity and innovation in storytelling. AI platforms analyze data and recognize patterns, allowing writers to try new approaches, experiment with different styles, and tailor content to specific goals. This collaboration between writers and AI promotes ongoing learning and improvement, transforming how content is created and shared in the digital era.

  • AI enhances the impact of human contributions

    Think of AI as a ghost writer that improves a rough document into a polished essay or article. This can be applied to various situations, including creating product descriptions. The key qualities in content, such as expertise and background, are provided by humans, which AI cannot replicate. Humans bring experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness, while AI can enhance this content. With the recent manual actions on sites using AI-generated content during the March 2024 core algorithm update, it's time to rethink AI's role in content creation. This article was written in September 2023 but delayed due to skepticism. Now, with the SEO industry facing challenges related to AI-generated content, there is a growing interest in finding better ways to incorporate AI in content creation.

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Prashant Kadukar

Founder & CEO, Digital Trainee

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